

Beginning January 1, 2024, projects submitted for permit applications will have to be designed according to the new Florida Building Code. The new codes consist of the 8th Edition (2023) Building, Residential, Existing Building, Accessibility, Energy Conservation, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, and Plumbing Codes, as well as the 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC). We are in the process of updating the corresponding forms.


Please send all permit applications and plans for review to [email protected]

All applications are in the process of being updated on the FORMS page. Please request any applications from the building dept. in your corresponding city. 


Please send all inspection requests to
[email protected].

You must include the permit number, address of permit, type of inspection, City of inspection, field contact, name of contractor, and email address. 

We are currently using the phone numbers listed below.

Main Office (Callaway, Springfield, and Parker): (850) 818-0213

Port St. Joe: (850) 229-1093

Mexico Beach: (850) 648-2033

Please send any mail to:

Main Office (Callaway, Parker, and Springfield)
205 W. 7th Street, Panama City, FL 32401

Mexico Beach
201 Paradise Path, Mexico Beach, FL 32410

Port St. Joe
1002 10th Street, Port St. Joe, FL 32456

If performing any construction on your home or business, it’s important that the work is done properly and that the person you hire is properly licensed. We recommend you hire a licensed contractor to make the repairs to your home. The contractor should pull the permit through EPCI with any permitting fees included in the scope of work.

 An unlicensed person is only permitted to “dry-in” a structure. Drying-in a structure means the use of tarps, plastic sheeting, or other temporary materials for the sole purpose of preventing further damage to the structure. All permanent repairs must be made by a licensed individual.

For a more detailed list of work that requires permits and a licensed contractor please visit:
Law Enforcement Quick Reference Guide

As a locally owned and operated business, EP Consultants, Inc. (EPCI) provides a personal interest in assisting local municipalities, contractors, and homeowners in code services.


